Grant starts to chat with me a bit this evening, while I am still working, and tells me that he “got my message” and cleaned the bath.The message: one morning, I was taking my bath and noticed how grimy it was getting (gross, I know), so I used my fingernail to scratch the words “CLEAN ME” to remind me to clean it.Only I’ve been taking baths just in the morning when I don’t have time to clean it, so THAT’S WHY I HAVE THE BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
I'm really nice, promise, and I'll probably bake you something if you ask. Books are about my favorite things in the entire world. Sometimes I use foul language, even on the phone with my grandmother, and that's just me. I am a proud proud PROUD Democrat. If you think any of that is offensive, you probably won't like what you read here.