Thursday, February 19, 2009

Best of Hip Hop

Those Republicans are off the hook!

This made my day, and no, it's not an article from The Onion. I think Michael Steele just handed us (via his one-armed midget) the 2010 election.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best of Questions

While watching trashy TV tonight (but not the trashy TV we wanted to watch tonight - 90210 and Privileged), an ad for appeared. A couple in their RV were talking about the difference between white and brown eggs, and they find out the answer by asking, "What is the difference between white and brown eggs?"

I tell Whitters that I think is Google for older people. Like parents or grandparents who don't understand that you don't actually have to type the "What is..." "How do..." etc. into a search engine to find the answer to your question.

Whitters goes to, and as soon as she types in "What is," the following four questions pop up, presumably as the most asked:

"What is the meaning of life?"
"What is true love?"
"What is love?"
"What is the Jonas Brothers' Address?"

Indeed. If actually provides real answers to any of the above questions, I'll use it everyday of my life.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Best of Yogging

I want to be one of those people who can run outside, and who can get their exercise for free anywhere they go. I'm not. But I'm on my way! Whitters and I started a yogging program (thank you, Ron Burgandy), and I am on week 6. I am halfway there to being a true yogger! Actually, last week, I hit a huge milestone. I ran for 2 miles (20 minutes) without stopping. I honestly never thought I'd be able to write that -- that I'd be able to DO that -- even when I started the Couch to 5K Program. I didn't write about it here, because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to complete it. I now hope to run a 5K over my birthday (coming up, people!), and I know I will be running that distance in just 3 short weeks.

I'm good at not believing in myself sometimes, but running is helping teach me some much needed life lessons right now. Even if it's painful, I don't stop until I'm finished. The pain goes away. Sometimes I have to take it just one step at a time. Dreading the jog is worse than the actual event. Much, much worse. I can do more than I thought I could.

P.S. Rap on my playlist keeps me going. I don't know what that says about me, but Kanye and I are tight.

P.P.S. Ben's friend Jody is quoted as saying "Fat people don't jog." And it's so true! If they are jogging, they aren't fat. I'm trying to not be fat (hence the jogging), but I really would like a t-shirt with the quote to wear while running. I told this to my brother (who doesn't have an ounce of fat on him), and he said he wanted a shirt. I don't think it would be ironic on him.

P.P.P.S. Please do not confuse yogging as another form of the word "yog." They have nothing in common, promise.