Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Best of Pumpkins

Our Obama pumpkin was just on YesWeCarve.com! I think they might have been shocked that it is sitting on a porch in (the reddest state ever - seriously, only here and Tennessee is McCain IMPROVING right now) Oklahoma, so we got chosen as one of the pumpkins featured today.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Best of Posters

I just visited the cutest baby for Obama tonight. He is so tiny and so sweet and so good, but I will wait to write more about that incredible experience until I can link to some pictures from Tim (hint, hint, I mean I know you aren't busy at all with a newborn).

In other Obama news, my best friend sent me really cool posters that will soon be framed. And THEN, I just found this site, and I think I will stay sane through the election countdown (TWELVE DAYS!) by putting up a different one each day on my facebook.

I wanted to post this one here.

Vote hope, not fear. Vote OBAMA.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Best of Seth, Volume Two (Political Edition)

We are 15 days from a history-changing election, for better or for worse. My brother is voting for Obama, and last night in an email I found out he is campaigning for his friends to do so as well. He is the chair of his precinct, and I can't wait for him to get to vote in his first presidential election.

I talked to mom about it today, and she told me that he told her he was voting for Obama, and then asked her who she was supporting in the Corporation Commissioner race. (SO PROUD that he even knows that race is on the ballot.) She said she was supporting Roth, and he told her he was thinking about supporting Murphy. (SO PROUD that he even knows the names of the candidates running.) She asked him why, and he said it seemed like she had more experience. (SO PROUD that he knows about her background, even though she's not up much on TV.) That doesn't seem like many 19 year olds, now does it?

But he better still fucking vote for Roth.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Best of Confessions

This is hard to write about, but you probably need to know. I like to cook, and I cook most everything I see on smittenkitchen. I also use the term "YUM-O" to ironically describe food, since I'm the opposite of an RR fan. She says EVOO (just say Olive Oil like the rest of the world - it has half as many syllables), she carries all her ingredients at once (instead of making two trips), she has a GARBAGE BOWL (why not just throw it in, I don't know, the GARBAGE), and she's annoying.


Last week, I made a recipe off smitten. Here's the confession - it was actually Racheal Ray's. And I liked it.

I'm still not a fan, I know I'll get shit for this, but at least I hated the name of the dish even if I liked the taste: You Won't Be Single For Long Vodka Cream Pasta.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Best of Audrey

Thursday was Audrey's birthday, and today I am in Stillwater for her birthday party. It is nice to escape politics for awhile, especially to celebrate the life of one of my absolute favorite people. She didn't want a birthday cake, so we had birthday cookie, and that's just another reason I adore her.

In related news, Andrew and I left because Marla and I ran out of secret beer (we are sneaking drinks to survive the party), so we went to Wal-Mart. I bought Bud Light, and he bought 3 air guns. We admit that it looked bad. Or like the best party ever. You decide.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Best of Perspective

On this day last year, I was a girl with a broken heart. Not anymore. I'm not saying everything gets better, but, thank God, everything changes. At least it doesn't stay the same. A year ago today, I slept alone in my bed in Norman, tears streaming down my face, without the courage to even tell my best friend the details of the heart-breaking.

Tonight, I just had a wonderful conversation with my best friend, and I'm not sleeping alone.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Best of Advice

This is one of the blogs I look forward to reading each day, because it only takes a minute, and the rules are very insightful. I just don't want it to end at 1,001.

Related: my dad might be Irish, because he always leaves family functions with what is apparently termed as an "Irish goodbye," except not with the intoxication part. Just the no goodbye part.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Best of ... WHEW

It's back. Different name, same game. It's lexy.

Best of Pick Up Lines

Holy crap! I forgot to tell you about one of the first things that happened on the Vegas trip. Grant and I made it to the airport on time, even after having lunch and having to turn around to go get a swimsuit that SOMEONE forgot to pack (it wasn't me). We got checked in, got seats together, and headed to security.

I walked through, it beeped, and I realized that I needed to take off my earrings. The TSA guy told me as much, so I went back through the magnetometer, put my earrings in a bowl and on the conveyor belt, and went back through. Success! The guy is still holding on to my boarding pass and giving me a look, so I'm wondering what the problem is. He starts to hand it to me, just out of my reach and says, "This is the point in the conversation when I tell you that you didn't set the machine off, but you still look alarming."

I shit you not.

Grant got to hear about it the entire time we spent at the bar while our flight was delayed. He better not act up, because now... well, now I have a back up, and I know right where to find him.