Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best of 2009

Man, this year just kicked my ego in the pants. (See all the posts about wanting a job but not being able to find one.) It was hard, and then it was worth it, and then it was hard again, and then it was worth it, and so on. I came out on top in the end, but listen up twenty-ten - I'd really like a year of coasting and enjoying rather than growing and fretting. Ahem.

What I did in 2009:
January - Attended (kind of) the inauguration of a new President (!!!!!!), packed up and moved an office, and started driving to Louisiana every other weekend.
February - Packed up my house and put it in a pod, took many trips to LA, and gave up drinking. Permanently.
March - Moved to DC (FINALLY!), and turned 28. Twenty-freaking-eight, people.
April - Grant arrived in DC!!!
May - Baked, read, and looked for a job.
June - Baked, read, and looked for a job. Got depressed about not finding a job.
July - Baked, read, and looked for a job. Gave up on finding a job. Found a job!
August - Tried to find footing in my new job, thankfully during recess, and watched two of my best friends tie the knot.
September - Grant turned 32.
October - Lost someone dear to me and worried about the health of my relatives.
November - Wrote a first draft of my novel, officially dated Grant for over 2 years, and celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time in DC (another first: cooked the entire meal myself).
December - Went back to Oklahoma, and celebrated Christmas for the first time in DC.

My resolutions for 2010 - edit my novel, exercise more (with my new Nike+ system), keep in touch with my friends, tackle more recipes that intimidate me, and make an important relationship official (hoping you can read between the lines on that one). Is it cliche to resolve to update my blog more regularly? Eh, I'll try to just post when I have important news to tell you. Or when I can make it funny. You know, the usual, but a tad more frequently.

Much, much, much love in the last few minutes of the aughties, and even more for the upcoming teens*!

(*Is that what we're calling it yet?)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Best of Writing

At the end of last month, probably around the time I started blogging again, Brigette asked me if I wanted to participate in NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month, with her. I foolishly agreed. I thought, "How hard can this be?" She told me I would need to write 1,600 words every day for the entire month of November, and I had wanted to participate in earlier years, but the month was always November, and November always meant an election. But not this year! Which is why I said yes.

After I sat on my bed to write on the second day, I wanted to give up. I told Grant I was going to quit, but I needed to figure out something to tell Brigette about why I couldn't do it. He talked me back into it, even after I told him how horrible the plot was (because it was non-existent) and how much I hated my characters because they were lacking in dimensions. He was right. If I wanted to write, I had to write.

That's what I've done this whole month. I sit on my bed, with my laptop on my lap, resting on Grant's pillow so I don't get too hot. Henry sits right beside me, ready to assist or nap, whichever is needed. I put in my headphones and play my writing music. (Thanks to the Avett Brothers, Radiohead, Patty Griffin, HEM, the Once soundtrack, my Christmas playlist, and, coming on stage for the first time tonight to see me hit 50K, the always loved Wilco. California Stars, indeed.)

There are parts of my book I still hate. I played around with perspective and voice at the beginning, and I haven't gone back to fix anything. I followed the suggested NaNoWriMo rules. Don't get more than a few days behind. Keep your inner editor and inner perfectionist locked up all month. No editing until December. Write, write, write, write, write x 10,000.

And I finished. I won. I have a first draft of a novel that's not quite complete, but it's more than I really thought I could do. I will finish the book, and I will edit it, and you might get to read it. Published, or not, I'm a novelist. I'm an author.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Best of Updates

Recently, a blogger I like to read, Katie, asked me if I would do a guest post while she traveled to New York City. I agreed, and she suggested I write about a trip (been there) or about my move to DC. She's in NYC now (Hi Katie, hope you're having a wonderful time!), and my post will go live tomorrow.

I wrote about just how not smoothly my move has been, but how just flat out good for me it is that I live here now. I read the entry to Grant last night out loud before we went to bed, and he encouraged me to start writing again. A good idea, right? Plus, I figured I needed a new entry here, and I hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd written. JULY EIGHTH?? And writing about my too-long job search?

Here's an update (and not in any particular order):
1) I have a job, and I love it! Ultimately, I'm glad I didn't get the other jobs for which I interviewed, but I sure wish I could go back and tell the girl who wrote that entry to hang on for just two more weeks.
2) I have been reading (as much as I can), and I just finished Dracula. One day before my deadline, I finished Infinite Jest. That book, the characters, and the author will stay with me for a long time. I'm a better person having read it, but I wish it had found me just one year earlier. David Foster Wallace wrote so aptly (and unfortunately) about depression and addiction. Biggest lesson I took from the book was from Don Gately: no single moment of life is unendurable. Holding on to that as tight as I can for the next time I need it.
3) I workout when I can and don't beat myself up for when I can't.
4) I'm very very very happily happily happily in love.
5) I'm glad I moved here, but I miss my loved ones in Oklahoma. I wish I were there this week to grieve with them over the loss of a good man.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Best of Goals

I'm sure you're tired of hearing about this, because I'm tired of writing about it (and tired of LIVING IT), but Court is still jobless. That means GOAL NUMBER ONE IS...

Find a way to make a living. I'm trying to concentrate on doing whatever I can that is within my control - namely, meeting with anyone who will talk to me here and applying for everything I am remotely qualified (or overqualified). And then trying to not freak out about what's NOT in my control - like someone actually hiring me.

GOAL NUMBER TWO: READ. This one is lots easier, except I can't really afford to buy new books. But. That's okay! I'm participating in Infinite Summer by reading David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest by the end of summer. That is taking a chunk of my time, but I am ahead of schedule. Also, I'm rereading all the Harry Potter books before the release of the sixth movie on July 15. Considering I started last week, and I'm on number 5, we're all good to complete this goal. This has the added bonus of me framing everything going on around me in wizard terms. (Like sometimes when I think about unemployment too much, I know the dementors are around. If only I had a patronus!) Lastly, thank goodness I have a Kindle. I can save up to $20 on new books coming out that I absolutely have to read RIGHT NOW.

GOAL NUMBER THREE: Workout. I KNOW I will feel better if I get some exercise, but I'm still tempted to not. Because I don't want to. I was hoping this would change, but it only changes after continuously exercising and REALLY KNOWING that it makes me happier and healthier, and I can spare 30 minutes or an hour out of my busy (see above) day. I'm on day 7 (in-a-row) of the 30-day shred, and I am actually seeing changes in my body. Added bonus: I can do a REAL push-up. Not that many of them, but still. This is progress. KEEP ME ACCOUNTABLE! That means you should ask me in 23 days if I kept up my end of the bargain. (Great deal for you, right, because you don't have to exercise - just make sure I do!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Best of Drama

My ten-year high school reunion is this month. Up front, I'm not going. If I were still in Oklahoma, I'd probably make an appearance, but I'm not shelling out for a plane ticket now that I'm in DC. This is a good thing, actually, because I thought it was last weekend -- you know, since the organizer announced that on the reunion facebook page -- but it turns out it is June 27th. Anyone in Oklahoma is welcome to crash it at Eischen's that evening. MMMMmmmm, fried chicken.

Not only has there been the date mix-up (and the KHS alumni facebook pages have been lit up over that), which is a big deal for those of us who do not (THANK GOD) live in our hometown, but the only activity being held is at a bar. It is a very cool bar, yes, but it isn't actually in KINGFISHER, as one commenter on the group page points out. There's a bit of drama. Check it out below.

I'm a big fan of social media (obviously), but FB is the only tool that has been utilized for reunion organization purposes. Not everyone has a profile there (a la Grant Thompson), and there are only 38 members of the reunion group -- when we had 100 in our graduating class. Basically, it is a huge snafu.

To recap:
Date & time confusion
Not held in our hometown
Exclusive to FB members
People all worked up BEFORE going to a bar and seeing classmates for the first time in 10 years

As I said, I'm not going - but a girl can blog, right? We yellowjackets sure know how to plan a good event, full of drama. Just like high school.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Best of Music

I have not wanted to exercise AT ALL lately, and my clothes are beginning to show that lack of motivation. I worked hard to get in shape, and I've just been coasting -- in exercise, with food, in life. Today, I jogged. Not far -- definitely not as far as I had gotten to earlier this year -- but far enough for me to remember why I run. I'm in a much better mood, I chose watermelon over cookies, and it felt good to be in the sunshine (soaking up some much-needed Vitamin E). So. I need your help. What motivates you to take time for yourself and pump up your heart rate? The best thing I know to do (which hasn't been working) is have a perfect playlist -- one that makes me want to move. Here is what I listen to while I run:

Under Pressure by David Bowie (warm up)
It's Tricky by Run-DMC
Gold Digger by Kanye
Here It Goes Again by Ok Go
PIMP by 50 Cent
Ain't Nothing Wrong With That
Love Lockdown by Kanye
Get Low* by Lil Jon
Sunshine by Matt Costa (cool down)

What would you add?

*Recently added after seeing, oddly enough, The Proposal with Sandra Bullock. I actually do little moves while I'm jogging to the "to the window... to the WALL" part. You're welcome, Arlington.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Best of Arlington

In case any of you were wondering about my new neighborhood, check this out. I live by the Courthouse metro stop (get it? Court's house!) in Arlington, and it is ROUGH and SHADY and in da HOOD. Or not :)

(Courtesy of @welovedc and GoRemy)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Best of Summing It Up

I'm starting to think I may be funemployed forever. Let's hope not.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Best of Comparisons

I told you Henry's schedule, now here's mine. I can quote from an embarrassing amount of daytime television shows, get an amazing amount of sleep, cook desserts almost everyday and have read over 20 books since March -- obviously I'm still unemployed. But! There's hope! This schedule may be a'changin' in the next week or so. It better.

7:30 am - Grant wakes up. Give him good morning kiss, go back to sleep.
8:45 am - Henry comes in to sleep with me. Pet his belly, go back to sleep.
9:00 am - Alarm goes off. Hit snooze, go back to sleep.
10:00 am - Out of bed. Stumble for coffee. Get on internet, check email, check twitter, check flickr, check blogs. Check email again, hope for job news. Get job news!!!! Realize that interview the next day means I don't get to sleep in, but it could also possibly mean a paycheck.
10:30 am - Watch CNN, read, apply for jobs.
11:30 am - Bath. LOOOOOOOOOOONG HOT BATH with a book.
12:00 pm - Microwave meal for lunch.
12:15 pm - Read internet/books.
1:00 pm - Do laundry, pick recipe for later, keep reading.
2:00 pm - ELLEN!
2:05 pm - Henry and I dance with Ellen.
3:00 pm - Start cooking.
3:45 pm - Take a break to read.
4:30 pm - Wonder about taking a nap. Take nap.
6:30 pm - Hear someone else coming home. Yay human company!!!
6:45 pm - Finish up dinner.
7:30 pm - Eat dinner. Give Henry too many scraps.
8:00 pm - Watch TV (lately Criminal Minds on DVD). Turn off alarm that I have set JUST IN CASE my nap lasts way too long.
10:00 pm - Start the cuddling process with Grant on the couch.
11:00 pm - Go to bed.
11:30 pm - Censored.
12:00 am - Go to sleep.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Best of Henry

How could I leave you for so long with just a link to an internet phenomenon? Writer's block? You'd think I'd have time to come up with something to write since I am STILL. UN. EMPLOYED. But I haven't, so when I found this little gem in Henry's planner next to his red with light blue polka dots bed, I had to post it.

DAILY SCHEDULE (Updated for DC Life)
5:30 am - Wake up.
5:37 am - Find squeaky toy.
5:38 am - Wake up mom with aforementioned squeaky toy. I NEED TO PEEEEEEEEE!
5:45 am - Go outside with mom. Don't really need to pee, but love to smell that morning air. It's a NEW DAY EVERYBODY! I LOVE IT! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE MORNINGS! I LOVE WALKS! LET'S GO WALK! LET'S PEE ON STUFF! WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK!!!!! OUTSIDE! WALK! Maybe poop.
6:15 am - Get back from walk. Look for toys to play with in the house.
6:20 am - Realize no one wants to play, go back to bed with mom.
7:00-8:30 am - Sleep, unless someone is in the kitchen. Beg for food, specifically leftover cereal milk. Stare down person who won't give it to me.
8:45 am - Go to sleep in mama's bed - she sleeps in when everyone gets up because she still has no J-O-B.
8:45 am - 9:30/10:00 am - Cuddle, get belly rubbed.
10:00 am - 12:00 pm - Sleep on my couch.
12:15 pm - Beg for lunch leftovers.
12:30 pm - 3:00 pm - Sleep on the floor.
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Sleep on the couch.
6:30 pm - Get excited that someone is about to come home! Sleep by the door.
6:45 pm - Get belly rubbed.
7:30 pm - Get dog food. Don't eat it; instead beg for human food. When all human food has been exhausted, eat my own shitty food.
8:00 pm - Drink entire gallon of water.
8:03 pm - NEED TO GO OUTSIDE!!
8:05 pm - Pee and play outside with my FRIENDS! I LOVE MY FRIENDS! Try to hump one. Jump in mud. Get in trouble. Go back inside.
8:30 pm - Sleep on floor. Don't go to bed in case roommates eat snacks.
11:00 pm - Sleepily walk to my own bed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Best of Dreams

I needed something positive to come my way today, and this just gave me goosebumps AND happy tears. I've been thinking that I haven't make enough of my life in twenty-eight years, and maybe it's too late for me to make a difference. But, a video just showed me it's never too late to hope and to make your own dreams come true.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Best of Calcium

I live in DC now (but with no job or apartment, so if you want to give me one of those, I'm there!). Here, to cope with the economy, people steal milk. From Starbucks. I've seen it three specific times, with two individuals. They order their coffee, drink it, and then go to the milk station and fill up the entire empty coffee cup with milk and drink it down. A dude IN A SUIT did it TWICE in front of me, even after I loudly referred to him as the Milk Guy. I hope it is not as bad for you where ever you are. And let's all keep our fingers crossed that I find a job, and it doesn't get that bad for me.

What if the skim milk carafe were empty? Do you drink the half and half?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Best of Hip Hop

Those Republicans are off the hook!

This made my day, and no, it's not an article from The Onion. I think Michael Steele just handed us (via his one-armed midget) the 2010 election.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best of Questions

While watching trashy TV tonight (but not the trashy TV we wanted to watch tonight - 90210 and Privileged), an ad for appeared. A couple in their RV were talking about the difference between white and brown eggs, and they find out the answer by asking, "What is the difference between white and brown eggs?"

I tell Whitters that I think is Google for older people. Like parents or grandparents who don't understand that you don't actually have to type the "What is..." "How do..." etc. into a search engine to find the answer to your question.

Whitters goes to, and as soon as she types in "What is," the following four questions pop up, presumably as the most asked:

"What is the meaning of life?"
"What is true love?"
"What is love?"
"What is the Jonas Brothers' Address?"

Indeed. If actually provides real answers to any of the above questions, I'll use it everyday of my life.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Best of Yogging

I want to be one of those people who can run outside, and who can get their exercise for free anywhere they go. I'm not. But I'm on my way! Whitters and I started a yogging program (thank you, Ron Burgandy), and I am on week 6. I am halfway there to being a true yogger! Actually, last week, I hit a huge milestone. I ran for 2 miles (20 minutes) without stopping. I honestly never thought I'd be able to write that -- that I'd be able to DO that -- even when I started the Couch to 5K Program. I didn't write about it here, because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to complete it. I now hope to run a 5K over my birthday (coming up, people!), and I know I will be running that distance in just 3 short weeks.

I'm good at not believing in myself sometimes, but running is helping teach me some much needed life lessons right now. Even if it's painful, I don't stop until I'm finished. The pain goes away. Sometimes I have to take it just one step at a time. Dreading the jog is worse than the actual event. Much, much worse. I can do more than I thought I could.

P.S. Rap on my playlist keeps me going. I don't know what that says about me, but Kanye and I are tight.

P.P.S. Ben's friend Jody is quoted as saying "Fat people don't jog." And it's so true! If they are jogging, they aren't fat. I'm trying to not be fat (hence the jogging), but I really would like a t-shirt with the quote to wear while running. I told this to my brother (who doesn't have an ounce of fat on him), and he said he wanted a shirt. I don't think it would be ironic on him.

P.P.P.S. Please do not confuse yogging as another form of the word "yog." They have nothing in common, promise.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Best of Chants

You might be able to tell how things were going with my section of the crowd today (the infamous purple ticket holders) by the chants everyone shouted in unison.

When we still had hope in the tunnel:

"Fired Up! Ready To Go! Fired Up! Ready To Go!"


When we got out of the tunnel, and ran into barricades and blocked gates:


When someone with a megaphone asked us if we had tickets:

"Purple! Purple! Purple!"

When the frustration got to be too much, but we still thought we could get in:

"What! The! Fuck?! What! The! Fuck?!"*

And when everyone gave up:

"I hate purple! I HATE PURPLE!"

*You haven't lived until you've heard ten thousand people chant this. But seriously, wtf?

Best of Seeing the Bigger Picture

I'm in Washington, DC, on this wonderful day. I had tickets to the Inauguration - purple ones - which would turn out to be unfortunate. I spent four hours (beginning at 6am) standing in a tunnel with thousands and thousands of Obama fans. Even though I didn't get to see it with my own eyes, I was very close to the Capitol, one of my tweets made it into a Washington Post article, and, oh, you know, WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT.

P.S. I guess I'm back :)